Reflexology as a diagnostic tool Experienced practitioners of reflexology have repeatedly offered anecdotal accounts of their abilities to identify, from the feet, suspected areas of altered physiology or pathology elsewhere in the body. Many reflexologists detect clues about their clients’ previous medical conditions from visual and manual examination of the feet.
Anecdotal Evidence
Reflexologist Mary Martin reports: 'Julia (aged 25) consulted me six months after she had surgery to remove an acoustic neuroma in her left ear. Surgery caused numbness to the left side of her face and head. It also resulted in a convergent squint, double vision and co-ordination problems. She was unable to work.
During her first Reflexology treatment I applied pressure to the reflex areas relating to her left cheek. Immediately she felt tingling in her cheek. I then applied pressure to her left eye reflex. Immediately I saw her eye shift to its normal position. A few more treatments, and most of the numbness had been alleviated. Her co-ordination normalized and she returned to work.'
What is Reflexology
Reflexology is based on the principle that the feet represent a map of the whole body, so that by working manually on the feet, distal areas of the body can be treated. Current knowledge suggests that the effectiveness of reflexology treatment may be explained in existing scientific concepts such as peripheral vasodilatation to remove local toxin.
The principle of a link between one part of the body and another can be understood in terms of interactions of nerve, muscle and chemical pathways.
Reflexology practitioners believe that by applying the appropriate pressure and massage to certain spots on the feet and hands, all other body parts could be energized and rejuvenated.
Feet are sensitive to pressure, stretch and movement. The skin contains several types of sensory nerve receptors, each with different anatomical and physiological properties. Some receptors are superficial and others deeper. According to the therapeutic aim the reflexologist will apply varied degrees of pressure, touch, massage or vibration in order to stimulate the appropriate sensory nerve endings.
Reflexology complements orthodox methods extremely well. It can improve homeostatic function and mobilize patients’ self-healing. It can diagnose areas of imbalance in the body.
Diagnostic Reflexology
The Theory of reflexology suggests a correlation between zones on the feet with spinal nerve segments of other organs, for example, the bladder zone of both feet, has a link with nerve segments supplying other pelvic organs as well as the bladder.
The Qualified Reflexology Practitioner can detect changes which may represent altered physiological or pathological conditions. Although reflexology should not be considered as a diagnostic tool in isolation but it contributes towards the formulation of a diagnosis and holistic care.
It has been demonstrated via magnetic resonance scanning ( MRI) that there is a direct neural link between the feet and the central nervous system and the area of the visual cortex in the brain.
Similarly, it has also been demonstrated using a Doppler sonography, that there was an increased renal blood flow during reflexology on the foot points related to the kidney compared with reflexology at points not associated with the kidney.
Correlation between acupuncture Meridian and Reflexology:
For example, the end of the Gall Bladder meridian is found in the part of the foot relating to the hip zone, but can also suggest disease processes in the gall bladder rather than the hip joint.
Due to its non-invasive, non-pharmacological complementary nature, reflexology is widely accepted and anecdotal evidences of the positive effect reflexology has in a variety of health conditions are available.
Reflexology practice also recognizes the therapeutic effects of good practitioner-patient relationships and every aspect of treatment influences outcomes.
Fertility Reflexology
Fertility Reflexology is a specific set of protocols for specific fertility issues such as Endometriosis, Low Progesterone. Rochel's goal in fertility reflexology is to Balance Hormones
Reflexology is a remarkably gentle yet powerful form of healing. People who want to avoid invasive procedures, painful treatments or medication that carry side effects choose Reflexology to treat insomnia, headaches, muscle pain, arthritis, menstrual irregularities, infertility, anxiety, depression, circulation disorder, digestive disorders and fatigue. Reflexology also used to enhance your Birth experience , Pre and Post delivery.
Reflexology effectively improves circulation, reduces stress and strengthens the immune system which encourages and supports the body to do what it knows best: heal itself. Through application of pressure to specific points, and through massage of the sole of the foot which is the part of the body which carries the most weight and stress, signals are given to the brain and to the patient's energy field that it is safe to relax and repair itself.
Reflexology can benefit people of all ages and, depending on the length of time a condition has been present, can improve or eliminate many ailments during a course of four to six weekly treatments.
At 2nd Nature Healing Center you can be treated by our Qualified and Exceptionally Talented Reflexologist Rochel Rubinoff. She treats a wide spectrum of issues pertaining to babies, children, teens and women's health.
Rochel has been a healer since 2004. She qualified as a Reflexologist and massage Therapist at 'Shelem College of Complementary Medicine in The Spirit of Judaism' in Yerushalaim. She is a certified 'Life Coach' from 'Freedom Coaching School ' in Tel Aviv.
In order to ensure correct services are provided she is also undertaking regular professional development accreditation programmes.
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Do not Hesitate to contact us with any further queries:
Holistic complementary Therapy, 2nd Nature Healing Center,
34 Nachal Hakishon, Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel